

Only the TechIsland Association members are eligible to nominate projects, individuals, or companies that they believe have made a significant impact on the tech and innovation industry in Cyprus. If you are not a member yet, you can sign up.

To nominate a project, individual or company, simply visit the Nominate page of the website and fill out the online nomination form. In this form, you will be asked to provide information about the nominee, including their name, contact information, and a brief description of the project, individual or company and their contributions to the tech and innovation industry in Cyprus.

Please, keep in mind that all nominations will be evaluated based on specific criteria, so it is crucial to carefully read the requirements and guidelines before submitting their nomination.

The nomination deadline is set before the judging process starts, so it is essential to submit your nomination in time. Only the nominees that meet the criteria and are submitted before the deadline will be considered for the award.

Game Changer

This award is an opportunity to acknowledge the unsung heroes of the government who have played a crucial role in the development of the tech industry in Cyprus. (Department or Minister)

The award is open to individuals and units within the government, including but not limited to officials, bureaucrats, and policymakers involved in developing  laws and regulations that support the growth of the tech industry in Cyprus.

The nominee's involvement in the development of laws and regulations that have had a significant impact on the growth of the tech industry in Cyprus.
The nominee's efforts in promoting and implementing innovative policies and initiatives that have helped to foster the growth of the tech industry in Cyprus.
The nominee's support for the tech industry in Cyprus through their work on laws, regulations, and policies that have helped create a more favorable environment for the industry to thrive.
The nominee's ability to work collaboratively with the tech industry and other stakeholders to create laws and regulations that support the growth of the tech industry in Cyprus.
The nominee's vision and ability to anticipate and plan for the future of the tech industry in Cyprus, and create laws and regulations that will help ensure the industry's continued growth.

Finalists in Game Changer Category

  • Dr. Nicholas Mastroyiannopoulos

    Chief Scientist of Research and Innovation of the Republic of Cyprus

  • Civil Registry and Migration Department

    of the Ministry of Interior

  • Ministry of Finance

Thought Leader

This award is an opportunity to recognize and honour thought leaders in the tech industry who have pushed the boundaries of what’s possible, made significant contributions to driving change and have made a lasting impact on the field in Cyprus.

This award is open to individuals from the tech industry, including entrepreneurs, executives, and investors, who have demonstrated thought leadership and have made a lasting impact on the industry growth in Cyprus.

The nominee's contributions to the growth and development of the tech industry in Cyprus through their work, ideas, and leadership.
The nominee's ability to think differently and drive new ideas and projects that have  significantly impacted the tech industry in Cyprus.
The nominee's ability to inspire and lead others in the tech industry, both within their own organization and within the broader tech community in Cyprus.
Thought leadership
The nominee's ability to influence and shape the thinking of others in the tech industry through their ideas, publications, speeches, and other forms of communication.
The nominee's ability to anticipate and plan for the future of the tech industry in Cyprus and to create strategies that support the industry's continued growth.

Finalists in Thought Leader category

  • Eleftherios Antoniades

    Founder & CTO, Odyssey Cybersecurity

  • Alexey Gubarev

    Member of BoD at Palta

  • Michael Tyrimos

    Managing Director, Capacitor Partners

Impact Driver

This award is designed to recognize and celebrate companies or projects in the tech industry that have made a significant social, ecological, educational or humanitarian impact in Cyprus through their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) projects. This award aims to acknowledge the efforts of these companies and projects to make a positive difference in the community and address some of the key social and environmental challenges.

This award is open to any company or project within the tech industry in Cyprus that has implemented a CSR project or initiative that has had a meaningful impact on the community. Nominees should demonstrate a strong commitment to CSR through concrete actions and initiatives, such as environmental sustainability, education and training programs, charitable giving, humanitarian support, etc.

The scope and impact of the CSR initiatives
The nominee should be able to demonstrate the breadth and depth of their CSR initiatives, as well as the positive impact on the community.
Innovation and creativity in CSR
The nominee should demonstrate innovation in their CSR approach, whether through  new and unique initiatives or through the creative application of existing ideas.
Measurable results
The nominee should be able to provide evidence of the positive impact their CSR initiatives have had, including quantitative data and testimonials from stakeholders.
The nominee should demonstrate a commitment to the long-term sustainability of their CSR initiatives.
Commitment to CSR
The nominee should demonstrate a strong commitment to CSR and should have a long-term plan for continuing to make a positive impact in the community.
The level of engagement and collaboration with stakeholders

Finalists in Impact Driver category

  • BrainRocket

  • City Friends Club

  • KidIT Cyprus

IT Ambassador

This award is designed to recognize and celebrate projects, conferences, live events, individuals or companies that have made significant efforts in promoting the tech industry globally and/or changing the brand of Cyprus as an IT hub globally. This award aims to acknowledge the efforts of these entities in showcasing the capabilities and potential of the tech industry in Cyprus to the world and in positioning the island as a destination for talent.

This award is open to any project, conference, live-event, individual or company that has made significant efforts in promoting the tech industry in Cyprus globally.

The scope and reach of the promotion of the tech industry globally
The level of impact and success in promoting the tech industry in Cyprus globally
The level of innovation and creativity in the promotion efforts
The level of engagement and collaboration with stakeholders globally
The level of transparency and communication of the promotion efforts

Finalists in IT Ambassadors category

  • Reflect Festival

  • Oleg Reshetnikov

    Founder, Cyprus IT

  • Quadcode

Rising Star

This award is designed to recognize and celebrate the efforts of the fastest-growing startup in Cyprus, which showcases the island as a developing innovation ecosystem by demonstrating that it is possible to build global companies from the island. This award aims to acknowledge the efforts of these startups in fostering the growth and development of the startup ecosystem in Cyprus and  positioning the island as a destination for entrepreneurship and innovation.

This award is open to any startup that is headquartered in Cyprus and has demonstrated significant growth over the past year.

Revenue / Metrics growth
Nominees must show significant revenue or metrics growth over the past 12 months.
Nominees must demonstrate a unique and innovative approach to their business or product offerings.
Impact on the community
Nominees must show how their business positively impacts the local community and economy.
Global potential
Nominees must demonstrate the potential for their business to expand globally.
Nominees must have a strong and dedicated team driving the success of the business.
Nominees must have secured a significant investment in the past 12 months.
Mentions in media
Nominees must have been mentioned in reputable media outlets in the past 12 months.
International presence
Nominees must have an international presence or clients.

Finalists in Rising Star category

  • RSL Revolutionary Labs

  • EMBIO Diagnostics

  • Prisma Labs


This award is designed to recognize and celebrate the efforts of companies or institutions that are deeply connected to the education system of Cyprus, cooperating with universities and schools, supporting the education system, or providing internship opportunities, employment for students, and lectures to youth. This award aims to acknowledge the efforts of these companies in bringing the young generation to the tech and innovation industry.

The nominee must demonstrate a long-term commitment to supporting the education system of Cyprus and nurturing the next generation of tech leaders.

The level of engagement and collaboration with universities, schools and other educational institutions.
The level of support provided to the education system, including funding and resources.
The level of internship opportunities, employment and training opportunities provided to students.
The level of contribution to the education and development of young talents in the tech and innovation industry.
The level of success in bringing new talents to the tech and innovation industry

Finalists in Future Shapers category

  • HackAdTech

  • Robolab

  • The Island Private School

    of Limassol

Role Model

This award is designed to recognize and celebrate the efforts of companies  that have significantly impacted the Cypriot economy by growing the number of employees on the island and locating their headquarters on the island. This award aims to acknowledge the efforts of these companies in fostering the growth and development of the economy in Cyprus and in positioning the island as a destination for investment and business growth.

This award is open to any company that is headquartered in Cyprus and has demonstrated significant contributions to the island’s  economy.

The company must have a significant presence in Cyprus, with a headquarters located on the island and a significant number of employees based in the country.
Companies must have made a significant investment in their operations in Cyprus and have demonstrated a long-term commitment to the island.
The company must have a positive reputation in the community, with a history of being a responsible corporate citizen and making a positive impact on society.
The company must have demonstrated strong growth in terms of revenue, number of employees, and market share in the industry.

Finalists in Role Model category

  • inDrive

  • Palta

  • TheSoul Publishing